2 eBooks zu verschenken – Oracle APEX 4.0 Cookbook

Vor ein paar Tagen erst habe ich einen kleinen Beitrag zum „Oracle APEX 4.0 Cookbookgeschrieben. Nun hat mir Packt Pub 2 eBooks zur Verfügung gestellt, die ich unter meinen treuen Lesern verschenken darf.

Oracle APEX 4.0 Cookbook

Wie kommt ihr an ein Buch heran? Ganz einfach, schreibt ein Kommentar unter diesen Beitrag, und teilt allen mit, weshalb ihr APEX einsetzt, oder weshalb es sich von anderen Technologien hervorhebt.

Ich hoffe doch mal, dass mehr als 2 Kommentare abgegeben werden und deshalb entscheidet am Ende der Zufallsgenerator über die Gewinner. Denkt aber bitte daran, eine gültige Email-Adresse im Kommentar einzutragen, damit ich euch erreichen kann.

Einsendeschluß für die Kommentare ist der 1. März 2011, der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

And now the English have for the readers:

A few days ago, I made a small contribution to the written „Oracle APEX 4.0 Cook Book „. Now I Packt Publishing has made available two eBooks that I can give to my faithful readers.

As you can match a book? Quite simply, a commentary writes this post, and inform all of the reasons she uses APEX, or why it stands out from other technologies.

I strongly hope that more than 2 comments are submitted, and therefore ultimately determines the random number on the winners. Think but please remember to enter a valid email address in the comment so I can reach you.

The deadline for comments is 1 March 2011, the decision is final.

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter APEX, Bücher abgelegt und mit , , verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

17 Antworten zu 2 eBooks zu verschenken – Oracle APEX 4.0 Cookbook

  1. Phil sagt:

    I’m desperate for this type of book – one that shows real examples and includes AJAX, JavaScript, BI Publisher, and jQuery which are the things I struggle with so much more than APEX and PL/SQL.

  2. christian_goto sagt:

    habe bisher nur das pro oracle application express von spendolini,welches sich aber auf apex 3.xx bezieht.da ich mit apex 4.xx arbeite,wäre so ein neueres kochbuch schon von vorteil…

    mit besten grüssen,christian_goto

  3. Bernd sagt:

    Wir haben unser Laborinformationssystem mit Apex aufgesetzt. Damit können die Anforderungen, die sich aus der Laborpraxis ergeben, sehr schnell und flexibel umgesetzt werden. Wie agiles Programmieren. Und verbessern kann man immer.

  4. Francis sagt:

    Why does APEX stands out from Other Technologies ?

    1- Easy to use when you know PL/SQL and Forms
    2- No Cost Option with all Oracle Database Versions
    3- Scalable as your Database is.
    4- Handles Globalization and Multilingual applications
    5- Simple to configure and maintain (upgrades are easy)
    6- New APEX 4 Plug-ins !
    7- Rapidly develop your first app and as you become more advanced, able to improve
    8- Integration with LDAP

    And so many more reasons ! :))

  5. Stephane sagt:

    Apex is GREAT.

    With Apex, we create an application quickly and you do not need to know HTML and JavaScript.

  6. Valerie sagt:

    Excited to get started on APEX ! I need this book!!

  7. Dylan sagt:

    Finally something we can trust and look to for Apex 4! Being a new Apex user this sort of resource is super helpful and invaluable once you have it. Examples are the best way I’ve learnt so far…lets keep it up!

  8. Hi Carsten,

    Thanks for this great promotion 🙂
    I’ve put up a link to your site on my own blog.
    Good luck with the competition and to the winners: have fun while reading the book and trying out the recipes.

    Kind regards,
    Michel van Zoest

  9. cc13 sagt:

    Hello Michel,

    thanks for your feedback.

    Best regards,

  10. George sagt:

    Why use APEX? Well, because it’s every PLSQL developer’s dream: a web-based RAD tool that is stored inside the database and produces database-centric applications.

    Talk about web technologies (the so-called web-stack) put on top of each other (Java-style!) to rapidly generate a good-looking web application, until all queries to the database are so abstract that nobody knows what why the DB is bottle-necked and an army of developers maintain tens of technologies! Forget about that, APEX should be the main development tool, when an Oracle DB is in the house.

    I’m a huge WordPress fan, but managed to develop a blogging platform in less than a weeK (part-time together with a buddy of mine) and this is what it came out: http://www.apexninjas.com. Simple and to the point. Meanwhile I’ve been using APEX to develop enterprise applications for the life-insurance domain. This is what I can say about this:
    – a very fast RAD tool that scales well to enterprise level
    – easy to learn, perfect for PLSQL developers
    – fitted my „web touch“ personality: Javascript and JQuery integrated easy
    – good control of the DB queries and DML’s: you know exactly what’s happening, unlike using a abstract framewok (like Hibernate)
    – lots of ways to configure security. LDAP with our Windows server was quite easy
    – your applications have now just 2 parts: the DB (where APEX also lays) and the web servers. Simple and easy to maintain
    – if you know APEX’s hidden secrets, it can integrate fine with webservers that allow XSL-FO PDF printing (like Cocoon or OC4J)
    – with APEX 4.0, you can develop in teams, with TODO lists and milestones. Forget about Jira or Bugzilla, APEX has this functionalities too!
    – contrary to popular belief, you can easily make APEX applications to be Google-friendly: just look at ApexNinjas.com
    – are you a Forms developer, or like ADF instead? Miss the fact that APEX is a stateless, but does not have classic model-view controller feel? You have APEX collections, use them
    – the new plugin capabilities in APEX 4.0 will revolutionize this simple RAD tool. The mobile 4.1, with multiple IR in one page will make it the definitive development tool on the market…

    Oracle DB is the best RDMBS put there. Why wouldn’t APEX become the best RAD tool, in the near future?

  11. George sagt:

    P.S.: you can follow us on http://twitter.com/#!/ApexNinjas

    Best regards,

  12. Pingback: Win my book! | About APEX - A developers blog

  13. George Bara sagt:

    Oh! Congrats to the winners!

  14. hast darüber noch mehr!

  15. cc13 sagt:

    Hallo Hayden,

    leider nein. Der Verlag hatte mir 2 Exemplare zur Verfügung gestellt und die sind raus.

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