Oracle APEX Template Component with Chart

With #orclAPEX Version 23.1 the Template Components were introduced. This feature gives the APEX developer a lot more possibilities to build re-usable UI components to render regions or to use it in reports.

In this post I will not go into detail how to start with Template Components. For that I propose to read the great post from Philipp. He describes the process from scratch as a region and as a report column. With that I started to create my own Template Component with the need to include a chart.

Template Component with Chart

To start we have to create a Plug-in in the shared components

Create Template Component Plug-in

Give the Template Component Plug-in a name and select „Available as Single and Multiple“ to use the Plug-in both as a region and in a report.

Settings for our Template Component Plug-in

The Partial part is to describe how to render the Template Component and set our custom attributes. Here is an excerpt from my code to include the chart:

<div class="tblrow"> 
    <div class="tblc">
      <div class="item">
        <div><canvas class="myChart chartjs-render-monitor" id="#CHART_ID#" height="50" data-z="#DATASETASARRAY#" data-d="#DATASETDATEARRAY#"> </canvas></div>

In this code we set 3 custom attributes: „#CHART_ID#“, „#DATASETASARRAY#“ and „#DATASETDATEARRAY#“. We use custom attributes to fill it with data later in our SQL query. The last step in the Plug-in is to define the Java-Script files to load. We do that in the „JavaScript“ section of the Plug-in. If we use static files we have to upload the files in the shared components before we can use it. In my case I use the Chart.js library and added a seperate config file. I took this config file from an example and will adapt it to my needs in the next days. But for now it works and displays the chart.

JavaScript-Files to load for the Plug-in
function draw_chart(datava, datada, canvaceid){
var canvas = document.getElementById(canvaceid);

var data = {
    labels: datada,
    datasets: [{
      borderColor: "#056ac8",
      pointStyle: 'triangle',
      data: datava,
      datalabels: {
        align: 'end',
        anchor: 'end'

var option = {
legend: {
        display: false

  plugins: {
      datalabels: {
        backgroundColor: function(context) {
          return context.dataset.backgroundColor;
        borderRadius: 4,
        color: 'white',
        font: {
          weight: 'bold'
        padding: 6 ,
        formatter: function(value, ctx) {
          var index = ctx.dataIndex;
          var label =[index];
          return (value*100).toFixed(2)+"%";
    // Core options
    aspectRatio: 5 / 3,
    layout: {
      padding: {
        top: 32,
        right: 16,
        bottom: 16,
        left: 8
    elements: {
      line: {
        fill: false,
        tension: 0.4
    } ,
    scales: {
          ticks: {
                beginAtZero: true
      barPercentage: 1.0,
        categoryPercentage: 1.0,
        gridLines: {
        scaleLabel: {
        display: true,
        labelString: "Datum"

var myBarChart = Chart.Line(canvas,{


In my case I would like to display a report out of the new created Plug-in. To do that I selected the plug-in as type and put the SQL Query in the corresponding field (excerpt from my query):

select a.ID,
        (   select listagg(regularmarketpreviousclose, ';') within group(order by datum) as closevalues
                from st_stocks_historie
                where trunc(datum) > TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'YEAR')
                and stock_id =
                 group by symbol
            ) as messuares_values,
            (   select listagg(to_char(datum, 'DD.MM.YYYY'), ';') within group(order by datum) as closedate
                from st_stocks_historie
                where trunc(datum) > TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'YEAR')
                and stock_id =
                 group by symbol
            ) as date_values
  from st_stocks a ...

The last step in the region settings is to assign our custom attributes with the result from the query:

Custom Attributes in the Region settings

To „activate“ our loaded JavaScript library we have to call the „draw_chart“ function with the parameters. First I called the function in my Plug-in with the result that the chart was visible only for a short second after page loading. I then remembered another case where I had to load the JavaScript after the whole page was loaded. To do that we can call our JavaScript function in the „Execute when Page Loads“ in the page settings:

    // call the function for each row
    var els = document.getElementsByClassName("myChart");
    for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++)
    var c = els[i].dataset.d.split(';');    
    var b =  els[i].dataset.z.split(';').map(function(item) {

        return parseFloat(item, 10);


With calling the function we include our three parameters. If we run our application/page we will see now our report with all fields from the SQL Query and in each row the chart for this dataset:

Report with Chart as Template Component

If you ask yourself where the colored arrows are coming from? This are also defined as custom attributes in the plugin and display Icons depending on a „case when“ clause in my SQL query.

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